WordPress Localization Plugin for Sublime Text

I wrote this plugin for Sublime Text to help on a project where I am localizing a lot of text.

I found I was copy and pasting the same i18n methods over and over so I decided that there must be a relatively easy way to automate this using a plugin.

Now I select some text, press my key shortcut and the text gets replaced with the appropriate i18n method.
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Meet WordPress coding standards on Sublime Text – SublimePhpTidy

I made the move from Coda to Sublime Text this week.

After only a week, I really, really like Sublime Text – it’s fast, pretty and customizable with a wide range of plugins available via the Package Manager.

Here are 9 reasons Sublime Text is only mighty!

I came across an old Coda plugin that I did some work on years ago that is now available on Sublime Text; the plugin helps to tidy and format your code to meet WordPress coding standards.

The plugin is available here – https://github.com/welovewordpress/SublimePhpTidy

It is pretty cool to see something you did a few years ago being picked up by someone else, improved upon and ported to a new editor that you happen to move to :).

Find large files on a Mac using Terminal

Every few days, I had an issue where my startup disk was full and emptying the trash just wasn’t doing enough.

I found the following command online that searches a file system for files over 500MB and prints the file path. It identified files I had totally forgotten about as well as some huge files generated by apps I no longer used.

sudo find / -size +500000 -print

I then used the rm command to delete files. When deleting entire directories I used the recursive flag (be careful!)
rm -rf <directory path>

Kudos to davidcraddock.net

WordPress Debug Log without Deprecated Notices

You turn on WordPress debugging only to find the log full of deprecated notices that make the log difficult to parse. Bummer.

You could spend time going through each deprecated notice and updating the offending piece of code. Or you could ask WordPress to ignore these deprecated notices (at least in the short term) by doing the following;
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